Elementare 2 – A2.2
With this level you reach the ability to articulately share experiences of the past, to tell your habits, exchange information, talk about familiar and common topics. The final test is all about writing and telling!
- IMPERFETTO (tense)
- PASSATO PROSSIMO and IMPERFETTO: how to use these tenses
- IMPERATIVO (Imperative tense): formal and informal
- Relative Pronouns "CHE/CUI"
- Demonstrative Adjectives "QUESTO/QUELLO"
9 lessons of 1 hour and 40 min. (15 hours) + 2 hours per lesson of individual study
210 euro
at lesson 9
“Allegro Nuovo 2”, textbook + workbook. https://intertaal.nl/collections/allegro-nuovo
Reader with grammar and exercises provided by the school.